jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016

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CARACAS, Venezuela.-The Homeland Security United States (USA), with the help of the embassy of this country in Venezuela, spied internal communications, emails, employee profiles and other data from state oil de Venezuela (PDVSA).

The document, dated March 2011 with the "top secret" label, was provided by the former agent of the Agency of Homeland Security (NSA) Edward Snowden, and obtained exclusively by the television network Telesur and website The Intercept.

It also details the analyst said penetrated the internal network PDVSA sometime in late 2010. That specialist NSA, as well as email traffic, found more than 10,000 profiles of employees with their email addresses, numbers phone as well as information including user names and passwords of more than 900 employees of PDVSA.

Among the profiles found is that of Rafael Ramirez, president of Venezuela's state between 2004 and 2014, currently representing the South American nation to the United Nations.

The company was a priority for the division undisclosed NSA; analyst who writes the document reported in the text "Straight Talk" his boss "PDVSA wanted information at the highest possible levels of business especially, the president and members of the board."

"After visiting the website of PDVSA, where I clicked on Leadership and wrote the names of the directors who would become my goals," analyst Pinwale entered names in the main database of the NSA, which consisting of previously intercepted digital communications.

Following leads

Hacking computer system PDVSA began from Washington, in the central building of the National Security Agency (NSA), according to information posted on Telesur.

After that, with the cooperation of the US Embassy in Venezuela, they verify that they were within the true system state oil itself NSA and CIA agents used within the diplomatic mission, located a few kilometers.
This report provided by Snowden was written by an agent of the NSA in Washington that operated with F6 group in Caracas.

F6 is the code for a joint operation between the CIA NSA known as the Special Collection Service, based in Beltsville, Maryland (northeast), whereby agents posing as diplomats in dozens of US embassies around the world, including Caracas, Bogota and Brasilia.

According to the article, this is how the US They intercepted cell phone of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. F6 at the US Embassy in

Caracas took an active role in all espionage activities mentioned in the document of the NSA: "I have been coordinating with Caracas," says the analyst of the agency, "who have been examining their environment and are entering the results in xkeyscore".

Xkeyscore, according to information from the intercept, process a "flow of Internet traffic of fiber optic cables that make up the backbone of the communication network of the world," storing data for 72 hours in a "rolling buffer" and " collecting countless internet searches, emails, documents, user names and passwords of people. "


PDVSA, founded in 1976, is the leader of this South American nation and the world's fifth largest oil; represents the largest source of state revenues thanks to oil royalties, recovery rate of this natural asset that lies underground.

For a long time, the Venezuelan state has been a goal of the intelligence agencies of the United States and the subject of intense scrutiny by US diplomats.

A cable dated Feb. 17, 2009 sent to Washington by the US ambassador in Caracas and obtained by WikiLeaks shows that PDVSA employees were interrogated for visa interviews on the internal operations of the company.

The embassy was particularly interested in the strategy of PDVSA in connection with the dispute over the nationalization of the oil project in Venezuela Cerro Black in 2007 and billions of dollars in assets of US oil company ExxonMobil.

In this new leaked document, the US intelligence analyst identifies four reasons why PDVSA is an object of espionage:

"Since the strike (sabotage) of oil in December 2002 to February 2003 sector PDVSA has been serving the Bolivarian Revolution of President (Hugo) Chavez, financing everything from national programs to geopolitical efforts Chavez . "

Also "understand PDVSA, is to understand the economic heart of Venezuela," the country "has one of the largest reserves of oil and natural gas in the world", and revenue from the oil sector are "roughly a third of the Product Gross domestic "and" more than half of government revenues. "

How did Telesur information?

Last September, the company contacted the intercept Telesur English team to report on PDVSA spying by the NSA.

The excontratista NSA, Edward Snowden, gave the company Telesur and The Intercept, a dossier espionage reveals several officials of PDVSA, by the North American country.

In this connection, the director of the Telesur website in English, Pablo Vivanco, said that last September could contact the company founder The Intercept, who informed them that they had direct communication with Snowden and was interested in making a joint publication this news through the media and television platform.


A derivative is a processed oil refineries using oil as a raw material product. Depending on the composition of crude and demand, refineries can produce different petroleum products. Most oil is used as feedstock for energy, for example gasoline. Also they produce chemicals that can be used in chemical processes to produce plastic and / or other useful materials. Because the oil containing 2% sulfur, large amounts of it is obtained. Hydrogen and carbon in the form of petroleum coke can also be produced as petroleum. The hydrogen produced is normally used as an intermediate for other processes such as hydrocracking or hydrodesulphurisation.

The following are the most common derivatives are usually obtained in the distillation towers. We all ordered from the heaviest to the lightest compound:

 Solid waste
 oils and lubricants
 Oil and fuel
 Kerosene
 solvents
 LPG (liquefied petroleum gas)

Oil Refining

A refinery is a huge complex where the crude oil is first subjected to a distillation process or physical separation and then to extract chemical processes that allow much of the variety of components it contains.

In simple terms, the operation of a refinery such met as follows:

The first step in the refining of crude oil plays in the towers of "topping" or "atmospheric distillation". Inside these towers operate at a pressure near atmospheric and are divided into several chambers that are called "trays" or "plates". Each tray has a different temperature and serves to divide the components of oil. The oil reaches these towers after passing through an oven, where is "cooked" at temperatures up to 400 degrees Celsius, making it steam.

The main product obtained from oil refining is the petrol engine. The volume of each refinery gasoline is the result obtained using the scheme. On average, for every barrel of oil entering a refinery it is obtained 40 and 50 percent gasoline. The rich natural gas in petrochemical gases can also be processed in refineries to obtain different products for use in the petrochemical industry.

Distillation is the fundamental operation for oil refining. Your goal is to get through heating, separate the various components of crude. When the oil reaches the refinery is subjected to a so-called process "Fractional Distillation".

Heated Crude Oil Spreading physically different fractions of direct distillation, differentiated by specific points of Boiling and classified by descending order of volatility, gases, light distillates, middle distillates,

Several distillation systems:

 Atmospheric Distillation:
Crude oil is preheated desalinated using heat recovered from the process. Then passes crude heater Direct heating load, and from there to the distillation column Vertical, just above the bottom, pressures slightly above atmospheric.


In 1859 when Colonel Edwin Drake struck oil in Pennsylvania, the date that marks the entrance to this important resource in the industrial era.

Around 1830-1850, they were discovered oil shale properties, finding a better fuel for lamps led to a high demand for 'rock oil' or oil, since the mid-nineteenth century scientists developed several processes for use commercial. George Diesel in 1850, was one of them and sold as a medicinal elixir. Diesel sends the substance to a group of scholars, then this oil is distilled and made into kerosene. Later oil is on land in larger quantities, so kerosene is produced large quantities.

By 1860, there were 15 refineries kerosene, and this is the main source of energy for Latin America and Europe.

As the gasoline market grew, new oil fields were needed, which were found in California, forming the Union Oil Company. But this was not enough to meet the high demand, which is predicted for the future, so it needed a great source of oil. Pattillo Higgins, American visionary, thought he could find the precious "black gold" in the bedrock of the Earth.

In 1911, in the village of Spilbenton, there was a great use of oil and increasing gasoline octane, with input from Higgins. It came to collect up to 100,000 barrels / day.

In 1914, the 1st World War began, in the US incursionaba three years later. For this reason, new war machines such as tanks war (1915) and planes (gasoline vehicles) were invented.

With the discovery of the plane, you could get a broader, very useful for geologists view of the ground. Another useful invention was the seismograph, with which waves were measured below the earth, helping to detect the underground.

At the outbreak of the 2nd World War (1940-1941), USA He had a large armed based on oil. For the best transport it was built the BIG PIPELINE OF GREAT inch. In 1942, Germany attacked American tanks with the help of its submarines; whereby a long pipeline is constructed 1320km north US (Houston-Illinois-Philadelphia-New York).

The coastal areas of California were also explored, finding oil in them. From this discovery the idea of ​​finding offshore crude emerged. Robert Karn and his partner, drilled piers offshore in 1890. But at that time there was no machinery to work at sea. Because of this drawback, Robert Hill and improvised technology, also using naval ships. 17km of Louisiana, in the Gulf of Mexico crude oil was discovered.
The excavation in the ocean was 5 times more expensive than on land.

In 1947, the world's largest platform is built 240km southwest of New Orleans, with an area of ​​11 583m2. 60 wells were 1550m below the sea.


After the discovery of oil, began to envision what could serve as one of its lighter fractions, which is gasoline.

Upon discovering the internal combustion engine, it started the car boom, creating a huge market for gas, which was used as fuel. The most famous model was devised by Henry Ford.

Gradually refineries were increased, obtaining gasoline in huge amounts, being known worldwide, as it was necessary for the use of vehicles.

It came into effect CLEAN AIR ACT, which required clean burning gasoline. With the catalysts of heat, lead in gasoline is removed, obtaining a purified and cleaner gasoline. Due to the high CO2 pollution it is to follow an approach to reducing emissions, increasing you ethanol.

Currently, there is a new direction for gasoline (bio diesel), which involves removing natural fuel from animal fat and soybeans. Also to reduce contamination you want to start the hydrogen economy, which would help to significantly reduce emissions.

OIL AND WAR, architects of the twentieth century history

The US Supreme Court ruled that a US corporation has the same rights as a private citizen. Hence the US government considers legitimate to have interests in any region of the world where they are American companies. Many business interests are also government interests and, by extension, military interests.

Also, while the United States released a war against the people of Vietnam, the company Mobil was off-shore prospecting in what they called "South Vietnam". In the 1990s, Mobil won an exploration license in the same fields where it was three decades before (Blue Dragon 280 Km. Mekong Delta), but left not find commercial reserves.

In Latin America there have been at least two wars in the decade of the 40 were related to oil: the Chaco War, in which Paraguay lost a portion of the country with significant oil reserves, and Ecuador-Peru war.

In the 80s, the civil war that ravaged Guatemala, focused on Izxcan area where oil exploration is, after the indigenous population was forced to move at the time.


But the most recent case is that of Plan Colombia, which aims to control oil production in that country.
The Colombia Plan has focused on the Putumayo region in the Amazon region of the country, where although oil production is not very important, the new tenders we suggest that reserves could be greater than the known.
Most of the production is handled directly by Ecopetrol, but there are partnership contracts with US companies.

These are the companies that sell to the US more

May 25, 2011 - Only one company, Ecopetrol, accounts for 36 percent of exports to the United States, and leads the ranks of the 3,904 firms that sell to that country and awaiting the approval of the free trade agreement (FTA ) to be even more competitive with their sales.

The following other oil of the ladder, followed by companies exporting gold, then bananas and flowers are placed.

The first ten of the classification account for 66 percent of exports to the United States, while the top 50 to 85 percent sold.

The remaining 15 percent is divided among 3,854 companies.

This is shown by an analysis of the Virtual Business Center (NVC), based on data from the Dian, noting that last year US exports to Colombia 16,811,000 dollars.

On the other hand, were imported from the north country 10,477,000 dollars, a figure of which 24 per cent corresponded to the first 50 companies in the ranks.

Ecopetrol, the largest seller in the United States, in 2010 the country sold 6.096 million dollars. Followed by Pacific Rubiales Energy, with 1,127 million dollars, and Hocol (subsidiary of the former) with 1,049,000.

If you add another subordinate Hocol and Ecopetrol Refinery Cartagena (Reficar), on the eighth place, chop reaches 44.7 percent.

Big Spenders

As for imports, the leader is again Ecopetrol 1,078 million (16 per cent); Carbones de Cerrejon, with 450 million, and Reficar, with 275.3 million dollars.

If Ecopetrol Group companies, including Propilco a resin manufacturer, its participation in the purchase amount from 10.3 to 14.9 percent add up.

What Colombia's exports in value and volume to the United States is oil and coal, and among the most important are petrochemicals, aircraft spare parts, weapons and agricultural commodities such as corn and soya.En the ranks, acquisitions are also evident Reficar has made to expand capacity and are tied to some equipment purchases in the United States. On Friday, the Ex-Im Bank will guarantee approved a credit for 2,840 million dollars to buy equipment to about 150 US firms, generating some 15,000 jobs in the country for four years.

In the ranking of exports to the United States glow, among other companies, Gutierrez and Company, C.I. Precious Metals and C.I. Goldex, exporting gold.

According to the Commerce Department, Colombia, which exported 300 million dollars worth of gold in 2005, it went on to place 1,433 million last year.

As for oil, Colombia is one of the countries with the highest surge in sales during the last five years, although in 2010 the refineries operated under capacity, due to lower demand and reduced gasoline margins.

3,276 million sold in 2005, went on to place 8,832,000 dollars last year. It ranks eighth among US suppliers.

Importers are waiting for the TLC

Mauricio Campillo, president of Solla S.A. which he brought 70.2 million US dollars, mainly soy beans and corn says while purchases from that country have not fallen stalled because without NAFTA, the tariff in force is 5 percent, compared with Mercosur countries, where it is zero, and diversify purchases.

"The implementation of the FTA would most competitive American raw materials, but even with tariff would buy more if other countries do not find the quantities we need," he adds.

The employer ensures that the soy farmers association has warned the US government who lose jobs and competitiveness with the delay of the FTA.

Among the largest importers of equipment to Colombia from the United States is Gecolsa, representative of the Caterpillar brand, one of the companies who have criticized the delay in the study of the FTA in the US Congress, since it is one of its most important markets Latin America. Gecolsa imports 228 million dollars a year and is the sixth largest importer.

United States, the world's largest oil producer

The world oil supply also grew as never before in 2014 (2.1 million barrels per day), according to statistics on energy BP. This increase was mainly due to growth of 1.6 million barrels per day of US production.

According to the report, this is the first time a country to extending their supply by more than 1 million barrels a day for three consecutive years.

"The United States has surpassed Saudi Arabia and Russia as the world's largest oil producer for the first time since 1975," said Bob Dudley, CEO of BP.

"The implications of the US shale revolution are profound," he said. For example, the United States has significantly reduced its imports, to the point of giving China the largest importer place.

And that despite the economic slowdown caused the increase in Chinese demand was only 2.6% in 2014, far less than the average annual progress of 6.6% in the previous 10 years.

Oil shale is an unconventional technique that involves injecting water at high pressure to fracture rocks located at depths of between 1,500 and 2,400 meters oil extracted by "fracking," or hydraulic fracturing.

This technique has expanded the possibilities of extracting oil to many other countries and is a threat to the dominance of the traditional producers.

Geopolítica petrolera

For any country in the world peak oil leaves the prospect of a reduction of the same in the future, directly impacting energy independence. This highlights the following issues:. Access to the oil fields of the Middle East and the construction of oil and gas pipelines, oil transportation [citation needed]

Control sites [edit]
Petroleum is a data widely taken in consideration by the geopolitical strategists. Indeed, the dependence of countries towards this product is such a difficult supply (cost, decreased production) can in itself justify a conflict. Moreover, a war that breaks the petroleum supplying can force the implication of foreign powers, they would have been in a neutral paper initially. On the other hand, the oil supply of the belligerents is often influenced the choice of weapons, as happened during both world wars.

Transportation difficulties linked to gas confine this hydrocarbon to local considerations geostrategias.
The increase in oil consumption of China confirms the arrival of the last actor between the participants already known by the Great Game reactivated on the geographic sets the Middle East and Central Asia where the site is located in Baku.
The objectives are not restricted to the Middle East, the peninsula of Bakassi has been ceded to Cameroon by Nigeria, after a ruling by the International Court of Justice for a disputed territory, it is underscored by the presence of no less than eight oil companies which has ensured sea prospecting adentro.2
Control narrow [edit]
Geostrategy of which pass close by tankers constitutes the second objective, the oil transportation.

The Strait of Hormuz: geostrategic point of tension between Iran, Oman (Musandam Peninsula) and United Arab Emirates.

Iranian fields: some are offshore in the Persian Gulf, the tension linked to the maritime area ensues from it. This map also gives a reading of the conflict Iran / Iraq 80.
The Strait of Hormuz is both in the area of ​​influence of Iran and the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, to which the United States delegated a fleet that anchored without interruption in the Persian Gulf, the 5th of the Navy. The tension is so palpable that even islets bordering the strait are subject to conflicts of territorial integrity.

West supplies depend very largely on the Suez Canal; the channel of Panama America.

Finally those of Japan and China pass through the Malacca Strait, the waterway is still unsafe, as these waters are among the last of the world where piracy is practiced. Responding to their needs, China tried (in late 2006) a contract with the Thai government to pass its petroleum by land and avoid the passage through the strait.

Furthermore, this narrow flows into the South China Sea, and a territorial conflict would imply to six neighbors for access to natural resources (oil is part of that interest).