jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016

United States and its oil production

United States became the largest producer of oil in the world for the first time since 1975 thanks to oil shale, announced Wednesday the British company BP.

"The United States has surpassed Saudi Arabia and Russia as the world's largest oil producer for the first time since 1975," said CEO of the company, Bob Dudley, in a report.

"The implications of the US shale revolution are profound," he added.

The world oil supply grew as never before in 2014 to 2,100,000 barrels per day. This increase was mainly due to the growth of 1.6 million barrels per day of US production.

According to the report, this is the first time a country to extending their supply by more than 1 million barrels diariosdurante three consecutive years.

Screenshot 06.11.2015 at 10.17.18Por example, the United States has significantly reduced its imports, to the point of giving China the largest importer place.

Oil shale is an unconventional technique that involves injecting water at high pressure to fracture rocks located at depths of between 1,500 and 2.400 meters oil extracted by "fracking," or hydraulic fracturing.

This technique has expanded the possibilities of extracting oil to many other countries and is a threat to the dominance of the traditional producers.

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