lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

Energy sources: Oil

The oil is less dense than water, dark color and strong odor oily liquid, which is constituted by a mixture of hydrocarbons, burns easily, and after refining has various applications. It is in the interior of the earth and sometimes forms large springs. Through various distillation and refining operations, it is obtained with different products usable energy or industrial (gasoline, naphtha, kerosene, gas oil, etc.) purposes. It is applied in therapeutic, for internal and external use, as appropriate, for if it is toxic, its effects are not violentos.Su localization is distributed in many parts of the world, but always those which existed in marine sediments. There are certain areas of our specially favored, such as those bordering the Sea of ​​the Antilles or Caribbean, the southern section of the United States planet Iranic the Arabic and Persian Gulf areas, the western coast of the Caspian Sea, the eastern and suboriental Russia European Sahara in North Africa: they are likewise some islands of the Republic of Indonesia and restricted Pacific coast of Ecuador, and Peru in the area. There are also oil-producing areas in Europe (southern France, northern Germany, Holland, central and southern Italy, Austria and Poland).

My opinion on the oil helps the lives of people more pleasant because it caused less pollution than coal use and being a liquid natural resource helped the expansion of trade and industry. Unfortunately it is highly polluting and is a limited resource that must be replaced by renewable energy that do not pollute.

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