lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

Oil spills

Oil spills are one of the concerns of most concern to environmentalists, the oil spill environment and especially the sea is contaminated. These spills affecting wildlife and fishing of the maritime area or affected coastline.The coasts where there has been an ecological disaster for a long time suffer the consequences of the spill produciodo by accident or improper practice.Ka's economy is severely affected area diminished as the oil affects the maritime zone and even fishing tourism in the area for long.To remove the large oil spill sausages as a sponge sea or ocean sweep absorb pollution are used, also detergents are used to disperse or break the contaminant and microorganisms (bioremediation). On the beaches and coasts thousands of volunteers and workers gather to draw manually with shovels and mechanical means waste that are deposited in the area. In calm seas there is also the possibility of burning the oil but this is unusual for the dangers.30 years after many oil spills continue to affect the habitat as the Exxon Valdez accident off the coast of Alaska in the United States in 1989.

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