lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

Petroleum derivatives

Petroleum products are products that are processed in a refinery using as main raw material oil. Or crude oil is a homogeneous mixture of organic compounds bearing sediments accumulated as under layers of earth for thousands of years. It accumulates in wells or geological traps and extracted from there by deep excavations. that can be made on land or at sea.
When removed from the interior of the earth oil it is thick, oily and very dark, so it is known as the black gold. This product is delivered to the refineries, where crude oil is treated to make it different products, 90% of which are normally used fuels such as petrol, diesel or kerosene. Plastics are also produced
There are different types of refineries, but let's talk about the most common process that takes place. In this process four main stages, of which different types of products are extracted.
1st extraction. Natural gas
This phase is called the phase natural gas because it is the main product extracted. But other light gases such as butane or propane is also removed. High octane gasoline fuel or refinery itself is also obtained.
Petrochemicals are also obtained
2nd extraction. Light distillates
Gasoline for cars, planes and jet fuel and gasoline, that is, products for solvents and paints. All this is obtained in this second extraction.
Removing 3rd. Middle distillates
Mainly diesel fuel for cars and machinery are obtained.
Removing 4th. Heavy distillates
Mineral oil, engine lubricating oil, lubricating grease machines, paraffin and rubber gum. Other petrochemicals
Oils, gels, oil, tar, asphalt road ...
Oil also come from fertilizers, ammonia and sulfuric acid.
We have seen that in different phases of the work are achieved petrochemical refinery. Let's see what these petrochemical plastics, rubber, fabrics for clothing, fiber films, artificial leather, flavors, ingredients of some drugs such as aspirin, alcohol, perfumes, dyes, makeup products, toiletries etc.
You see, oil is really present in all aspects of our lives, from the fabrics that we wear or where we sat up what moves the machines we use to move or take drugs. Even many gels and soaps with which we wash also contain petroleum.Is there petroleum in food?
This is a fairly recent controversy, as some supporters accuse natural food junk food or junk food carrying petroleum. The food industry denies it and the truth is that in many cases has shown that certain campaigns, such as those made against some famous corn snacks, were totally false.
However, no one denies that currently the gum and is not made with tree resin, as originally, but with rubber plastic derived from petroleum, which confirmed that at least in that product if present. Also it is in many saccharine and flavorings, which in turn are in many foods. But are these additives alone or more than what we really believe? What does this mean for our health?
It is difficult to know the truth on an issue like this, as there are many economic interests on the one hand and many supporters of the conspiracy theory by another in the end make it very difficult to know the truth.

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