lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

How is oil formed?

Oil brought many benefits to modern society, but many more are the complications that also came with them. Globally, it generates a lot of work and money, but also political, economic and even military pressure. However, what do you know about oil and its characteristics? Come with me to know the answers to these and some other questions about the formation of oil.
What is the oil?

Basically, oil is a fossil fuel. This means that they are remains of living organisms that existed long ago. The meaning of the word fossil is critical to understand how oil was formed.

This fuel, often also simply called "raw", can be refined in various solutions that are useful in human activities, especially in the industrial sector. From oil can generate gas, kerosene, various fuels and more, so their importance and very significant place in the world economy.
Oil formation

Oil formation is made possible by a complex physical and chemical process that took place in the interior of the Earth. Due to pressure and high temperatures Earth after millions and millions of years, all organic matter came to become what we know today as oil.

The main organic matter that gives rise to oil derived from marine organisms. Remains of animals that lived in the seas and oceans of the world millions of years ago, mixed with various sediments, sand and mud. These deposits, rich in organic matter, formed mainly of phytoplankton and zooplankton, as well as material of plant and animal origin. After many millions of years, become rocks first and then crude oil.

The process extends for millions of years and does not stop. Today sediments settle to the sea floor oil will likely result in millions of years. As the sediment will accumulate, over time, the pressure of which are left below multiplied, and the temperature increases. This makes the silt and sand becomes shale and sandstone. Carbonates and remnants of shell limestone and become soft tissues of dead organisms become oil.

The oil can be liquid, called crude oil; or gaseous state, known as natural gas. Both are a valuable source of energy for mankind, and although it is a nonrenewable energy remains the mainstay of the activities of human beings.

Really very interesting, do not you think? What else do you know about oil and its formation?

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