lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

Oil Types

It is called oil a mixture of organic, homogeneous compounds, containing almost entirely water insoluble hydrocarbons. It is produced in the interior of the Earth, it is the transformation of organic matter accumulated in sediment that can be accumulated in natural geological traps.
(The oil can be classified taking multiple criteria)

(The oil can be classified taking multiple criteria)

This extracted by boreholes. It is a bituminous liquid, depending on their composition, has different colors and viscosity, density, heat capacity, etc. It is a nonrenewable natural resource and is the main source of energy used in developed countries.

It is widely used in the area of ​​fuel, also presents layers of associated natural gas, usually in the oldest deposits. The price of oil is increased over the years, and it is not renewable and it depends on the transport and manufacturing, among others.
Oil: Origin

The origin of oil involves the fossils, organic transformations from zooplankton and algae which were deposited in different areas and, over the years, many were buried under layers of sediment.

Besides being processed by microorganisms and plants, they suffered physical and chemical transformations due to the heat and pressure exerted on these different elements.
Oil Classification

Oil can be classified in different ways:

-for The type of oil:

    Paraffin oil: in composition predominantly saturated hydrocarbon by 75%. Its main features are that are fluid, low color and low weight. It is used mainly for the production of gasoline, paint thinner, etc. for its low sulfur content and high freezing points.
    NAPHTHENIC or aromatic oils: contains 45% saturated hydrocarbons in their composition. It contains low sulfur and low pour points. It is used for various lubricants.
    Asphaltene oil: The composition high amounts of waste, such as sulfur and metals are observed and, above all, a high viscosity making it ideal for creating asphalt.
    Mixed base oil: all kinds of existing hydrocarbons, paraffin, naphthenic, aromatic, etc. They are Most deposits found worldwide are of this type.

-for The sulfur content:

    Fresh oil: has a smaller proportion of 0.5% sulfur, which is considered a high quality oil and is usually processed into gasoline.
    Means oil: average sulfur in its composition comprises a range of between 0.5 and 1%.
    Oil sour: The composition can be seen averaging more than 1% sulfur which results in a cost of greater refinement. It is used in distillates.

According to its gravity API:

It is an acronym (American Petrolum Institute) which determine the density that has oil, how light or how heavy it is. If greater than 10 is lighter than water.

    Light crude oil: its composition low wax content can be seen. It is considered light which has an API gravity of between 33-39.9.
    Crude oil means: its API gravity criterion comprises between 22.0 to 29.9.
    Heavy oil: has an API gravity of between 10-21.9. This type of oil does not flow easily, like extra heavy oil. They contain a greater density and molecular weight in its structure.
    Extra heavy oil: Its structure has an API gravity less than 10, that is, it weighs more than water.

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