lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

Laboring for the hydrocarbons sector

If you have chosen a professional exploration or exploitation of hydrocarbons, applied directly or indirectly activity, you have a world for you. Moreover, if you You play in a category considered critical, I guarantee I paying job you'll never miss.

Unlike other sectors, the oil you get the overtime pay, public holidays, Saturdays and Sundays, days of casual work 36 continuous hours, Christmas, anniversaries and other commemorative dates, ie every drop of sweat and even every tear It is covered by a good salary.

The energy sector does not rest, is working 24 hrs. 365 days a year, in particular as far as the sea and places, the forest, the desert or even snow. In this industry not stop threats such as climate, economic crisis, or social movements. Because engine of the global economy, a strike amounts to a shortfall of production, which is obviously very difficult to justify and impact heavily on income stipulated for companies, which occasionally leads consequences for the official in charge. Therefore, we must always be available, I remember that when I was working on platforms, sleeping with the phone on the desk and the radio side.

In every workplace there are categories that are classified as critical, same that are linked with all those activities that depend ensure that hydrocarbons are contained in equipment, systems and facilities, ie anyone profesionista whose mission contain hydrocarbons during the drilling process, starting, production, maintenance, decommissioning and abandonment.

The critical categories are recognized worldwide, are so specialized activities that require sound knowledge, many years of experience, skills and demonstrable skills recognized.

Payment of wages for performing this type of activity is not for those who want to learn, is for those who know what to do in times of crisis. This comes to accounts because what we are experiencing today, is known as "generational change", and for the entire industry.

The "Baby Boomers" have decided to set a date for his retirement, and in most cases will take the information and technology, the skill and the skill with which they played and how much resguardaron not have competitors.

Faced with this dilemma, where they have vacancies reviews and few people who can meet the requirements, the consequences are high for industry and staff working in the same, since there was a transition period that could provide retreats, or give space to train new prospects in the responsibilities of these categories would be deposited. Very few have been given the task of transmitting all that accumulated to the generation that will supply.

Candidates who have recently left the classroom, having the confidence to fill these vacancies, they do not know is that it takes more than that to perform without putting at risk his life, the environment and business capital.

Companies worldwide realize too late, nobody was prepared to meet this generational change today for the oil industry, it is another challenge. Recent graduates have the energy and desire, ready to stand up, with every right to bring forward change. What is required?

The answer lies in each of the strategies companies have developed, this is a reality, change is necessary, what is required is that each company releases its strategy to make the change, what does it offer? and what candidates want? I ask you, are you willing to unconditionally be interested in a company during the workday, and yet, to be available in your rest time ?, are you willing to change your habits and change of residence ?,

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